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Messages - Fanny Pack

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Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:20:04 pm »
Put it together Gary.

The com of 04 - 05 were assholes.

The current administration can see that just as clearly as any other normal person would.

But they can't do anything that would prove that to everyone else in the world.

Bill Benner is most definitely an asshole. He has gone WAY out of his way to put me down and get others to do so as well.

I pick him out of the rest because he has the position that he does and he should know better about how to act with that kind of responsibility.

So they do nothing but ignore the fact that they have a bunch of asshole doing asshole things that are way outside of their own rules. And life goes on as usual for all of them.

That's why getting any kind of recognition from any of them now is pointless and of no value to me.

I think Dean described it best in a phone conversation.

One word.....


James.  :)

So it is all Bill Benaras fault now?  I will be sure to thank him at SELEM.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 09, 2010, 07:00:37 am »
I don't think standards committees love assholes.  That was pretty much my entire point.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:16:19 am »


I wonder why.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:00:06 am »
"ILDA is a paid membership organization.  It doesn't exist for the general public."
ILDA calls itself a 'trade organization'- no different than the Plumber's Guild...

For the most part.  I'm not sure if the Plumber's Guild creates new technology (eg some sort of drain pipe with a universal fitting so that all members of the guild can remove it).  That area is a little more fuzzy. 

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:55:53 am »
"ILDA is a paid membership organization.  It doesn't exist for the general public."
"You clearly have no clue how of how it works in the world of standards."
non sequitur ?

Do you think standards exist for the general public consumption?  They don't.  If you think "standard" implies "open source" you are wrong.  It costs a lot of money to create a standard.  My association is pretty clear if you understand what what goes on with standards and how they are usually made available.  Claiming no association is acknowledgement of the last sentence in what you quoted.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:30:49 pm »
Alright, it wasn't fair of me to say you aren't a real computer programer just because you don't understand the deal with standards.  So I'll take that back.  A lot of programmers aren't exposed to how standards work. 

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:56:32 pm »
You own Format 3?  You can have it.  I don't think anyone really wants to take that away from you if you call it your own.  Why don't you claim that rabbit poop in my front yard while you are at.  It's about as useful.
ILDA is a paid membership organization.  It doesn't exist for the general public.  The same goes for just about any industry group.  Every heard of SEMI or SAE?  They are very important groups and are responsible for a ton of standards in the semiconuctor automation and transportation industry.  You reap the benefits of these organizations everytime you turn on your computer or drive your car.  Yet, you can't just go online and download the standard for Carrier Management or for Onboard Diagnostics.  You can join, become a member of the technical committee and help steer things if you so desire, though.  But, if you call them up and say, "I'm James in Ohio and I like to play with auto parts in my basement and I need to tell you why your standard is wrong."  they will hang up on you and go back to doing business serving the people who pay for their organization to exist.
You clearly have no clue how of how it works in the world of standards.  Another example of you not being a real computer programmer and just some hack.  You might convince someone you know what you are talking about but the more I hear out of you the more I realize you really don't have a clue.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:55:38 pm »
Your picture is wrong because there is no Format 3.  No such thing.  It was an experiment and it never got off the ground.   Killed.  Kapoot.  You're arguing that some aborted baby might run for president.  Stupid argument.  So redraw your picture up there and erase your two Format 3 columns.  Then tell me how ILDA got it wrong?  Apparently they are not so stupid if they never adopted the standard that that you are claiming they messed up.  Maybe YOU are stupid for adopting a standard that never became a standard.  Maybe you are the dumbass who is voting for some aborted baby to become president.  There is no maybe about it.  It's fact.  If ILDA adopted the Format 3 standard that you are so much against you might have a case for an argument.  But it was never adopted.  They changed it to break your application and then killed the whole thing just so that you will have a mental breakdown.  It's working.  ILDA will be laughing at you over beers on the ILDA Cruise.  You'll be fuming in a basement.  Sucker.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:51:50 pm »
Go and reread posts #1, #9, #11, and #12.   Especially #9.

Nevermind.  I got the numbers wrong. I have a different suggestion but I'll drop it.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:47:40 pm »
Go and reread posts #1, #9, #11, and #12.   Especially #9. 

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:24:36 pm »
That isn't true.  Even if it was, it wouldn't make what I have said any less true. 
And THAT is what pisses you off.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:07:43 am »

There's no way I can or should defend myself against a position that is completely made up and has nothing to do with reality.

Funny.  I thought my comments were pretty much spot on.  What has been extremely comical is that the bulk of your replies apply more to your own actions.  Such as asking why someone would butt there head in where they aren't wanted... or stating why defend your position against completely made up stuff.  That sounds exactly like you and your ILDA rants.  I wonder if anyone else detects that irony.  It's OK for YOU to be an ass, bother people, make up your own history, and then accuse everyone of conspiracy and not having a good answer when they don't reply but when someone else does it, (in my case I don't really think I have, though) you say it isn't worth responding, too or is pointless.
Maybe you are starting to come around.  Now you just need to look in the mirror.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 04, 2010, 06:34:27 am »
Gary, there is no reason to ban you. You make yourself a fucking joke.

James.  :)

You are absolutely right.  I made this all a big joke.  It was crude and immature to say the things that I said to you.  But by and large it is the truth.  When I say that the reason you will go nowhere with format 3 is because people don't like you I mean it.  That's really all that it boils down to.  You keep asking "why? why? why? why?"  Simple answer.  Because you are disliked.  I certainly would never ever colaborate with you on anything no matter how good of an idea it is.  From public conversation I know that it was a nightmare for DrLava to work with you on the correct amp boards.   I know you pestered ElectroFreak over his tutorial because he wouldn't give you credit for whatever it was you wanted credit for and in the process got shooed off from LPF.  It is a reoccuring theme that you cannot work with anyone without making them dislike you.   Maybe you think it is cute and people should overlook the disgust of dealing with you because you are so smart.  Well, you aren't really that smart.  You haven't really done anything.  You kind of had a good idea with the sound card DAC and LaserBoy but your execution was awful.  You went down that dead-end wave file path and although it does have one practical application it doesn't fit in with anything else.  The cost of DACs is dropping and will soon enough be cheaper than building a sound card DAC.  At that point, everything you have done with sound cards will be irrelevant.  You wave file will go down in history with the Ford Pinto.  LaserBoy will still be a DOS app that no one likes to use.  But, for some reason, I have a feeling that you will still be working on it.  Making it so that someone can type in G lower case t 1 9 Shift X and make something turn pink.  Or maybe enhancing it so that they can select a file that exists on a networked computer, any though it will probabaly have to be a linux computer running some weird client app or something obscure.  My point is this:  "You don't get it."  You don't get that people don't like you and you don't get that what you are doing is not important.  It could be important, but you don't get that you are going about it all the wrong way.  And, in all of this, when people try to point it out, your response is always the same: "I am James.  I do what is logically right.  I am an awesome computer scientist and I have awesome math skills so it must be right.  I know it is different but I want it so that people have to be super smart to use it.  Keyboards are better than mice.  etc."  James, I know the truth.  You have no clue how to add mouse support to LaserBoy and still make it work so you claim that it is better the way it is.  You are stuck on the DOS/Linux looking thing because that is all you have ever learned.  Your realm of computer science is so tiny.  To you, it has to be C++ in a command line editor.  That's what they teach in college because that is about as advanced as you need to be to just write and application and make it do something without having to learn anything about the complicated part of writing an application.  Your mentality of computer programming is nothing more than what a senior takes out of programming 303.  You do not know anything about being a software engineer.  I say this because I am a software engineer and have been doing it for years and years.  No one would ever hire you with your mentality.  You could never make it as a professional software engineer.  Not in todays world.  Maybe 20 yrs ago.  But what you view as acceptable or good doesn't fit into the modern world.  Look at iPhones.  That is a perfect case of an advanced user interface.  That is what people expect.  Do you think the iPhone would be where it is if it had a LaserBoy-ish interface on it?  Or would Apple be a broke company right now?  As you read this I know that you know that I am right.  And I am sure your response would be some 4 letter work or something do with a penis.  You should do better than that.  And you should start by apologizing to all of the people you insulted in your webpage and you should take it down or at least just post some information and get rid of that "history of why people hate me" nonsense.  Before you go any further you need to un-do the damage you have done and prove that you can make sense and demonstrate that you are a good programmer.  Personally, I don't think you can do that.   But, if you want to succeed, that is what you are going to have to do.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 03, 2010, 07:33:55 pm »
Psyche!  I am back.  Or am I?  Yes I am.  I will post again in exacyly 93 minutes.  Be sure to check back then for a very important insult that will blow your mind and reveal the entire truth that you have been waiting for.  Wait for it!  Wait for it!

Or, you could just ban me now... I dare you to do it.  Double dog dare you.  I don't think you will.

Joint Development / Re: ILDA is over
« on: July 03, 2010, 07:09:16 pm »
Pretty much anything is more rewarding.

Before I leave this, which I will after this reponse (at least for a long time), I want to demonstrate my psychic abilities with these predictions.

(1) You will never ever get anywhere with your ILDA format 3 conquest/rant. 

(2) You will be an asshole the rest of your life.

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