These guys are toads.
We also have some nice frogs, but we paid for them and they are much bigger. We got a whole bunch of flora and fauna from a place that specializes in water gardens. It was a package deal. We got a bunch of different kinds of plants. We got frog tadpoles of at least two different kinds of frog. Some of them are still tadpoles and are as big as your big toe! We also got fresh water clams, and muscles, a whole bunch of different kinds of snails, a bag full of fish so small you can hardly see them (food!) and a couple of other kinds of larger fish. We have 3 coy.
We had a painted turtle (named Soupy), until today! A friend of ours found him on a golf course. He was fun for a while, until I saw him eating one of our fish! So now he lives in The Ohio and Erie Canal!'s still close. I think he was happy I let him go and didn't eat him, but he's pissed about getting thrown out of the best buffet he'd ever known.
Ever seen a happy turtle?
Ever seen an angry turtle?