Open a terminal. In the terminal type the following command: dsenableroot Follow the prompts on the screen to enter your password and create a password for root. When you get your prompt back, you should be root. Once this is done, getting to root in a shell is simply: sudo su Then enter your password. Enter the following command to install homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Let it get through the whole install. When you get your prompt back enter the following command to install SDL2: brew install SDL2 Then install boost: brew install boost Now you are ready to navigate, in your terminal, to the LaserBoy folder where this text file should be. Enter the ls (list directory) command to verify you can see the files and folders inside of your LaserBoy folder. ls Now change directory into the src folder: cd src Hit ls again to verify you can see all the cpp, hpp and Makefiles. ls Now issue the command: time make -f Makefile.osx and wait for it to build. It might give you some warnings. That's ok. If you want to build the source code again from scratch you can do this: make -f Makefile.osx clean Then: time make -f Makefile.osx When it's done it will probably run the executable. If it opens up just hit [Esc] until the screen turns solid red and then hit y to say yes to terminate LaserBoy. Now cd back to the parent directory. cd ../ When you want to run the LaserBoy application you have to open a terminal, cd in the terminal to the LaserBoy directory and issue this command: ./LaserBoy 1600 980 or whatever size in pixels you want LaserBoy to be when it opens a window. You should adjust these numbers to fit your screen resolution. You don't want any part of the LB window to be off the screen. Allow for the window title bar and borders to fit within your screen resolution. The area in pixels you give to the LaserBoy executable are the size of the graphics context inside of the window it opens. You will notice that LB does not respond to any mouse clicks! It is keyboard driven. It is essentially a console application that controls the contents of a high resolution color raster display (the contents of the window). references: Enjoy!