############################################################ # This file was written by James Lehman. # creator of LaserBoy, # # the free, multi platform laser display application # that reads this format. # # # Extra Stimulus Inc., Akron, Ohio USA # http://laserboy.org/ # # ASCII format version: LaserBoy-txt-08-04-2021 ############################################################ # All available font_names # arial # comic_sans # courier_new # impact # laserellipse # lfi_vector # lucida # narrow_vector # square # times_new_roman # wide_vector # All available glyphs # ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * # + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 # 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > # ? @ A B C D E F G H # I J K L M N O P Q R # S T U V W X Y Z [ \ # ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f # g h i j k l m n o p # q r s t u v w x y z # { | } ~ # LaserBoy font files are ild files with 94 glyphs. # Each glyph is registered to the origin and is scaled # to fit all positive X and Y space that is 32767 vector # coordinates square (in signed short integer space). # The square. # LaserBoy renders "text" in two ways: # "fixed" or "variable". # text fixed (type) # all the glyphs are the same distance apart # from each other in a line. A space character is the # same displacement, but no glyph is rendered. # text fixed_space (value) # is a portion of the width of the square. # text fixed_space 1.00 # is square; as much width as height. # Values can be less than or greater than 1.00 # text variable (type) # each glyph is placed according to its own width, # plus a settable gap and space. # text vari_space (value) # is the width of a single space character in # variable text as a portion of the square. # Since the font is rendered according to the # width of each visible glyph, it is necessary # to designate a value for the space character, # which has no measurable width. # text vari_space 0.67 # designates 67% of the width of the square. # text vari_space -1 # A value of -1 sets the variable space width # to be equal to the widest character in the font. # text vari_gap (value) # is a portion of the square used as the gap # between the glyphs (in a word). # text vari_gap 0.20 # is 20% of the square. # This gap is used to space all of the characters # in a text string, including the space character. # The actual gap between words rendered from a # single space character is # vari_gap + vari_space + vari_gap # the last visible character of a word, followed by # its vari_gap, plus the width of a space character # (vari_space) followed by its vari_gap. # text line_space (value) # is a portion of the square (height) that sets # the space between lines of a multi-line text form. # text font_name (name) # designates the name of a font in the # ./LaserBoy/ild/fonts/ # directory (without the .ild extension). # text font_name square # is included for demonstration of glyph space. # Note: since every glyph of # text font_name square # takes up all of the space, height and width of # the square, using it in a "variable" text form will # result in every visible glyph having the same width # (all there is to have). # Each glyph is placed into real coordinate space # (3D double float) to form a line or a page of text. # This real space is then scaled to fit # signed short integer space. # text to_space (value) # is the portion of all short int space to fill, # aka a LaserBoy frame. # text to_space 1.00 # fills the whole frame between at least two edges. # Any value above 1.00 is considered 1.00. # If a glyph is made of more than one lit segment, # the lit segments are bonded together with lit black. # When LaserBoy looks for lit segments to treat as # individual elements in a vector image, it sees # whole glyphs (not their separate strokes). # By default, all fonts that come with LaserBoy # have bonded glyphs # text bond_word (0 or 1) # With this setting LaserBoy will render text # with bonded words, so that individual words # are seen as whole objects. # text bond_word 1 # enables word bonding. # text bond_word 0 # disables word bonding. # text bond_line (0 or 1) # With this setting LaserBoy will render text # with bonded lines, so that individual lines # are seen as whole objects. # text bond_line 1 # enables line bonding. # text bond_line 0 # disables line bonding. # In the app, menu h, option b or B converts # lit black to blank for ild file compatibility. # text still_frames (value) # is the introduction to the animated # LaserBoy text forms. It is an integer # number of frames to be added to the # LaserBoy frame set that are all the # same frame as described in a single # frame text form. This is for setting # and holding a single frame of text # for multiple frames of time. # text view_span (value) # is the width or height of the visible text # window in an animated text form. # This only defines one dimension as the other # comes from the rendered size of the text. # text view_span 8.00 # shows 8 whole squares. # text move_per_frame (value) # With the animated text forms each frame # represents a change in text position of a # portion of the square as it appears after # being clipped by the visible text window. # text move_per_frame 0.15 # moves the text by 15% of the square. # With the marquee form, the visible window # has a height of however many lines are in # the text, including blank lines between the # first and last visible line. # The width is set by view_span. # With the scroll form, the visible window # has a width of the widest line of text. # The height is set by view_span. # The scroll starwars text forms are not effected # by the value of view_span. The visible window # is set to twice as high as it is wide. # All available settings and their default values. # None of them need to be set to render text. #text fixed_space 0.70 #text line_space 1.10 #text vari_space 1.00 #text vari_gap 0.20 #text to_space 0.85 #text font_name laserellipse #text color_rgb 255 255 255 #text bond_word 0 #text bond_line 0 #text still_frames 1 #text move_per_frame 0.15 #text view_span 8.00 # All available forms # (single frame forms) # text fixed line # text fixed left # text fixed right # text fixed center # text fixed just # text fixed at # text variable line # text variable left # text variable right # text variable center # text variable just # text variable at # (animated frames forms) # text fixed marquee # text fixed scroll left # text fixed scroll right # text fixed scroll center # text fixed scroll just # text fixed scroll starwars # text variable marquee # text variable scroll left # text variable scroll right # text variable scroll center # text variable scroll just # text variable scroll starwars # <<__TEXT_END__>> This tag right here needs to be the # last line of any multi line text form # or else LB will render everything to # the end of the file. # The comment mark '#' has no meaning within text # that is headed for rendering. It will be rendered. ##################################################### #---------------------------------------------------- # Let the frame rendering begin! #---------------------------------------------------- #text still_frames 30 text fixed line This is the first single line of visible glyphs after "text fixed line". # Once a value is set it applies to any text forms # that follow it until it is set again with a # different value. #---------------------------------------------------- text vari_space 0.20 text vari_gap 0.20 text font_name comic_sans text color_rgb 127 255 0 text variable line This is a single line of variable width text. #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.90 text to_space 0.95 text font_name lfi_vector text color_rgb 255 255 0 text fixed line # <-- This comment mark is rendered! # but not this one! #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 1.00 text line_space 2.00 text to_space 0.95 text font_name square text color_rgb 255 255 255 text fixed left ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.60 text line_space 1.00 text to_space 0.95 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 127 127 255 text fixed left _____________________________________________________ |H | |He| |_____________________________________________________| |Li|Be| |B |C |N |O |F |Ne| |_____________________________________________________| |Na|Mg| |Al|Si|P |S |Cl|Ar| |_____________________________________________________| |K |Ca|Sc|Ti|V |Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Ge|As|Se|Br|Kr| |_____________________________________________________| |Rb|Sr|Y |Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Sb|Te|I |Xe| |_____________________________________________________| |Cs|Ba|* |Hf|Ta|W |Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Tl|Pb|Bi|Po|At|Rn| |_____________________________________________________| |Fr|Ra|**|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|Cn|Nh|Fl|Mc|Lv|Ts|Og| |_____________________________________________________| | |La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu| |_____________________________________________________| | |Ac|Th|Pa|U |Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Es|Fm|Md|No|Lr| |_____________________________________________________| <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.80 text line_space 1.00 text to_space 0.95 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 255 255 text fixed left //####################################################### bool clear_to_alpha(std::ifstream& in, int& line_number) { u_int next_char = '\0'; while(in.good()) { next_char = in.peek(); if(!isalpha(next_char)) { in.get(); // eat it! if(next_char == '\n') // end of the line! { line_number++; } if(next_char == '#') // comment { in.ignore(99999, '\n'); line_number++; } } else // next_char is alpha break; } return in.good(); } //####################################################### bool clear_to_digit(std::ifstream& in, int& line_number) { u_int next_char = '\0'; while(in.good()) { next_char = in.peek(); if( !isdigit(next_char) && next_char != '.' && next_char != '-' && next_char != '+' ) { in.get(); // eat it! if(next_char == '\n') // end of the line! { line_number++; } if(next_char == '#') // comment { in.ignore(99999, '\n'); line_number++; } } else // next_char is a digit or '.' or '-' break; } return in.good(); } <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.00 text vari_space 0.70 text vari_gap 0.10 text to_space 0.90 text font_name wide_vector text color_rgb 255 80 255 text variable left This is variable spaced text aligned to the left, with a blank line. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.70 text line_space 1.30 text to_space 0.85 text font_name lucida text color_rgb 63 63 255 text fixed right This is multiple lines of fixed width text, justified to the right with a blank line in the middle. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- #text still_frames 33 text line_space 1.30 text vari_space -1 text vari_gap 0.10 text to_space 0.35 text font_name narrow_vector text color_rgb 255 127 0 text variable right This is multiple lines of variable width text, blah blah blah... This is something totally new! <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.80 text line_space 1.30 text to_space 0.85 text font_name courier_new text color_rgb 0 255 255 text fixed center It's pretty easy to see what this is if you look at text.txt in the folder ./LaserBoy/txt/ <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.30 text vari_space 0.70 text vari_gap 0.10 text to_space 0.667 text font_name times_new_roman text color_rgb 127 0 255 #text still_frames 40 text variable center There is a pretty crazy amount of math going on here. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.80 text line_space 0.95 text to_space 0.95 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 255 255 #text still_frames 45 text fixed just X XX X X XX XX X X X XX XX XX X X X X XX XX XX XX X X X X X XX XX XX XX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX # $ % * + ; : 123458901 12 123 1234 12345 123456 12345671 23456786789 123458901 12 123 1234 1234 3456789 12345601 1212234 12345 123456 123 4567 12345678 123489 1234789 23456 1234567 123456 123 789 123456 01 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1267 5678 1234 .:. 56789 1235901 12 123 1234 1234 5 123456 1234567 12345678 1234789 1234501 Y 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 12345345678 78 123456 This is fucking art. 78 123456 45678 1234589 12348901 12 123 1234 12345 123 LaserBoy. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.10 text vari_space 0.75 text vari_gap 0.15 text to_space 0.90 text font_name times_new_roman text color_rgb 255 200 0 text variable just "just" alignment aligns both the left and right margins based on the width of the longest line. Spaces between the words are variable per line Lines can be skipped. and a line can contain a single word. Puppy! <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 1.00 text line_space 1.00 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 0 255 text fixed at 20 -1 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 text fixed 11 left justified 10 at characters 9 per half space 8 located by X Y 7 character 6 coordinates 5 4 3 2 1 01234567890123456789 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 1.00 text line_space 1.00 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 0 255 text variable at 20 0 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 text variable 11 left justified 10 at characters 9 per half space 8 located by X Y 7 character 6 coordinates 5 4 3 2 1 01234567890123456789 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.70 text line_space 0.70 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 255 0 text move_per_frame 0.25 text view_span 20.00 text fixed marquee <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< >>> <<<< LaserBoy has another totally new feature! >>>> <<< >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text vari_space 0.65 text vari_gap 0.10 text color_rgb 0 255 0 text move_per_frame 0.15 text view_span 10.00 text variable marquee |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ****************************************** ########################################## Plain ASCII text formatted font rendering! ########################################## ****************************************** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.80 text line_space 1.65 text font_name courier_new text to_space 0.65 text color_rgb 0 255 255 text move_per_frame 0.075 text view_span 6.00 text fixed scroll left For several years, LaserBoy has been able to render lines of text into frames. But now it is possible to do it in several different formats simply by writing some very easy to understand instructions in an ordinary text file and opening that in LaserBoy. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.50 text vari_space 0.50 text vari_gap 0.15 text font_name arial text color_rgb 255 160 160 text to_space 0.50 text view_span 8.00 text move_per_frame 0.10 text variable scroll left Several different fonts come with LaserBoy. arial comic_sans courier_new impact laserellipse lfi_vector lucida narrow_vector square times_new_roman wide_vector <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.66 text font_name laserellipse text color_rgb 255 127 255 text view_span 3.50 text to_space 0.70 text move_per_frame 0.075 text fixed scroll right A new font was created just for this release called laserellipse. It is a single stroke font {this one} made in CAD, saved as DXF and converted to ild vector format in LaserBoy. It is made of nothing but straight lines and elliptical arcs. A derivative of this font, called square, is also included as a demonstration of the font space square; a concept used as a measure of things rendered in LaserBoy text formats. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text vari_space 0.50 text vari_gap 0.16 text font_name wide_vector text color_rgb 200 100 255 text view_span 10.00 text to_space 0.67 text move_per_frame 0.08 text variable scroll right It is possible to control several aspects of style within the contents of a LaserBoy font rendering text file. The current version of LaserBoy comes with a file called text.txt that has all of the instructions and examples of every kind of text form LaserBoy currently knows how to read and render. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text font_name lucida text color_rgb 255 255 255 text view_span 10.00 text to_space 0.80 text move_per_frame 0.10 text fixed scroll center This video is, in fact, the contents of that file! <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text font_name arial text color_rgb 127 255 0 text view_span 20.00 text to_space 0.55 text move_per_frame 0.15 text variable scroll center Obviously it doesn't take a lot of text to make frames that have way too many vectors to make any sense at all for laser projection. But this offers a way to get text into 3D vector space for other purposes. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.80 text line_space 1.75 text font_name courier_new text color_rgb 0 255 255 text view_span 8.00 text to_space 0.55 text move_per_frame 0.075 text fixed scroll just There is another related art-form out there, enjoyed by an increasing number of people, of putting images on X Y vector scopes, oscilloscopes, CRTs. These devices have a much higher input bandwidth. They can handle DAC clocks in the megahertz region and have no issue with vector jumps that track the beam clear across the display area in almost no time at all. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.15 text font_name narrow_vector text vari_space 0.40 text vari_gap 0.15 text color_rgb 255 160 64 text view_span 6.00 text to_space 0.50 text move_per_frame 0.04 text variable scroll just Some people like to make art in a vector environment and export it as raster video, such as this one being presented right now, made of LaserBoy bitmaps and ffmpeg. <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text fixed_space 0.70 text line_space 1.66 text font_name lucida text color_rgb 255 255 0 text to_space 0.90 text move_per_frame 0.10 text fixed scroll starwars A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy..... <<__TEXT_END__>> #---------------------------------------------------- text line_space 1.40 text vari_space 0.30 text vari_gap 0.10 text font_name times_new_roman text color_rgb 255 80 200 text variable scroll starwars |||| #### |||| ## Be safe. ## |||| #### |||| ## Wear mask. ## |||| #### |||| #### |||| #### |||| #### |||| ~ laserboy.org ~ L a s e r B o y !!! . 2020 . * James Lehman * Extra Stimulus . Inc. . <<__TEXT_END__>>