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Messages - seanharrison

Pages: [1]
And Now For Something Completely Different! / Re: I still live!
« on: July 01, 2009, 08:17:52 am »
Resolved!  hehe!

So how's thing james ?

OMG!!!!!!   That's so SEXI!

And Now For Something Completely Different! / Re: I still live!
« on: June 30, 2009, 07:12:59 pm »
I just belived there had been some drama there,  well if i have missed nothing,  then no loss,


I have got galvo's

* LW 250mw 650nm (335mw)
* LSP 100mw 532nm CNI (195mw)
* LSP ScanPro 20k With DMX Board
* USB Soundcard DAC with DrLava OP-Amp Kit
* DrLava FlexMod 1 Driver

just need a Dichro and an easylase dac

Hinged Newt / Re: Spaghetti and windows 7
« on: June 30, 2009, 07:00:26 pm »
Same here,    Windows 7 is very high recommended,   Good replacement for Vista and excellent replacement for XP :)

I have been using it for about a year now on my crappy old laptop and it runs better than XP did,  also i run it on my beast of a desktop,     OMG  Windows 7 works so much better than vista with my quad core and 8gb ram.   games run faster/smoother than with vista, 


Laser Enthusiasts Meetings / Re: Where in the world!
« on: June 30, 2009, 06:00:35 pm »
I am in Wallasey(Wirral) near Liverpool in the UK


And Now For Something Completely Different! / Re: I still live!
« on: June 30, 2009, 04:46:44 pm »
Oh that subject,  Ditto, 

I haven't been working with my laser stuff recently since i had no galvo's and just my green laser.  (maybe no cash either)!!!

But am back!   and to a lovely new Forum :-)    I think i have missed all the drama that has been going on,   But i love somewhere new to hang out!

And Woo!   i have a second laser on its way...   A nice Laserwave 250mw (335) 650nm :-)

I just need a few things before i start my build,  a Dicho and and Easylase DAC.   Then i'll be a very happy guy!

Well,   Im glad to be back,  and cant wait to see the new developments on LaserBoy and also Spaghetti

Cheers for the new forum James :-)


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