« on: August 16, 2017, 10:00:49 am »
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum but have been interested in building a laser projector for a while now.
A little about myself:
- I live in Australia
- I study mechatronic engineering and computer science
- Im interested in lasers
It looks like there is a lot of knowledge on this forum and a good DIY attitude so i was hoping to get some advice on my project. Initially i was planning to build a laser from the ground up however today i found and bought a 2nd hand green/blue/cyan laser for $50. My intentions were to produce my own animations and have them displayed with the laser however the laser does not have an ILDA input and only has DMX. I am willing to completely tear out the electronics inside to use the galvos with a sound card DAC but im having some trouble understanding where all the pieces fit in. My current understanding is:
- LaserBoy software converts ILD files into WAV files which can be then fed into the sound card DAC
- Sound card DAC produces voltage (+12v to -12v ?) on however many channels are required (2 for laser blanking and 2 for galvo postioning?)
- At this point in the process i am unsure whether i can connect these channels from the DAC straight to the galvos OR if this is where the LaserBoy correction circuitry that James sells comes into play
- Whether or not i need the LaserBoy correction circuit would someone be able to briefly explain its function?
I appreciate any insight or links to information you guys have on the topic,