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LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by thefabricator03 on March 11, 2021, 04:23:04 am »
I managed to get my truss template exported but when I display the image it comes out distorted, I tried to take some pictures but I could not get the complete image.
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by James on March 09, 2021, 11:16:05 pm »
There is probably a limit to the total number of points per frame with that sd card reader. The ilda file format has a hard limit of 65536, which is the limit of a 16-bit unsigned integer. But that's way too many for any practical purposes. Can you post an example?
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by thefabricator03 on March 09, 2021, 05:54:19 am »
Thanks James, have managed to make some progress,
I created a simple DXF square drawing that I imported then optimized and I can get it to display on my projector. Does this mean that the other DXF files I am trying to view on the projector are beyond the capabilities of the projector?
I have tried optimizing my other DXF files and I cant get them to display.
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by James on March 08, 2021, 12:20:30 pm »
Well, I am on FaceBook so you could call me from there.

DXF has nothing to do with laser display so it needs to be modified before it can be scanned.

Scanners are magnetically driven mechanical devices that have mass, acceleration, deceleration, etc...

In order for an ilda file to work properly on your projector, it must be optimized. That means that all the vectors need to be rearranged to be in the order of the shortest path through all of them. They also need to have points added along the lines to control the scanner velocity. A scanner can only rotate so far within one clock cycle of your DAC. Sharp corners in your image need to have added dwell points so the scanners can come to a complete stop before ripping off in another direction.

LaserBoy can do all of this.

Menu h allows you to do these things individually or all together on one frame or the whole frame set. You can adjust all of the parameters of optimization in the [Tab] menu to suit your projector system. The default values of these factors are for using a modified sound device as a DAC, so they are setup for a 48KHz clock.

If you import the file, it will change all the settings to be more appropriate for your SD card reader DAC.

When you save optimized art as ilda, you need to make sure that automatic minimization on save is not enabled in menu x, otherwise your optimizations will be stripped out.
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by thefabricator03 on March 08, 2021, 02:24:53 am »
Hi James,
I would do a voice chat but I live in Australia and from what I assume you live in the US? And I have been mucking around with this when I get a break in my busy schedule so I dont know when I might have a time that would suit both of us.
When I get to the output menu "laser art output options" I select number 1, ild save current frame.
From what I see I am doing the correct things but not getting the DXF ILDA output to work on my projector. I can import and export ILDA files without issue but importing a DXF and exporting as a ILDA seems to cause some issue with my projector.
This projector is just a unit I brought to test out my idea of laser template projection. If I can get it to work, I will look at building a much better projector. The projector has a dial on the back that I can change the size of the image, am I correct in thinking that I can project a image and scale it to a known object and the whole frame will be to scale?
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by James on March 07, 2021, 10:59:11 am »
You don't want to call any effect on your frames. You just want to save them. I think I could clear a lot of things up with a voice conversation.
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by thefabricator03 on March 07, 2021, 12:43:34 am »
Attached is a screenshot of my x menu settings,
I have set save ild 2D frames as 3D,

When I output the ILDA file I get a option to select the directory output location and then option to select the effect output. After I type a file name and export it then shows the ild file stats which I cannot do anything with.
I must be missing something because I have tried most things I can think of and still cannot work out how to get it to work.

LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by James on March 06, 2021, 10:33:48 pm »
When you import or export ilda LaserBoy gives you a list of sections in the file. Like I said, you need to set LaserBoy to save all ilda as 3D format 0.
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by thefabricator03 on March 06, 2021, 04:52:25 pm »
Thank you for your offer to help with my project,  when I need help I will post on this forum, that way others will get to share the information if they need it.

I have tried to import the dxf files then output a ILDA but it still wont work on my projector. How can I make sure that the exported ILDA file is format 0?
LaserBoy !!! / Re: Laserboy ILDA to Laser Projector Not Working
« Last post by James on March 06, 2021, 09:55:12 am »
Your projector only displays ilda format 0. So you import dxf into LaserBoy and save it as ilda. I could be very helpful in getting your project to work. You need to know how to size and align the projection for it to make any sense.

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