I got it!
I finally figured it out!
The channel order is really weird with the 8 ch. USBGEAR.COM sound device.
wave track 1 --> white --> L front --> X
wave track 2 --> gray --> R front --> Y
wave track 3 --> blue --> center --> r
wave track 4 --> violet --> bass --> g
wave track 5 --> green --> L rear surround --> b
wave track 6 --> yellow --> R rear surround --> i
wave track 7 --> red --> L side surround --> L_audio
wave track 8 --> orange --> R side surround --> R_audio
Here's the tricky part...
The driver for this thing is not so good. When you play a wave, after it stops, it might leave some of the colors on. I have never seen this with any other sound card driver! If you have the Windows driver panel for this device open, you can switch between 6 and 8 channel mode (and back as necessary). This zeros out the non-stereo tracks. I guess this thing was made for audio and it has.... had decoupling caps... but GEEEEEEZ!
The output positions of b & i seem to be the reverse of what I would have expected.
Also worth noting
Also worth nothing is only one h away!
If you play a 6 channel wave, the information that comes from the rear surround channels also appears on the side surround channels!
If you are using this device as a six channel laser signal + 2 channel audio DAC and you have stereo audio coming from what would be channels 7 and 8 in a wave you need to be aware if this !!!
More information to come as it is discovered.
Expect some minor corrections.
I added a feature to LaserBoy so you can convert 6 channel LaserBoy waves into 8 channel waves by putting silence in the audio tracks. That works fine.