Truss is somewhat detailed. You should think about reducing the information to the absolute minimum.
To get better looking images, you can change the parameters of optimization.
LaserBoy space is defined in 3D short integer, so X Y and Z are integer values from -32767 to +32767.
In the [Tab] menu you can set the maximum displacement in points (in the coordinate system shown above) between any two vertices.
Options 3 and 4 allow you to set this for when the laser is lit or when it is blank.
This controls the scanner velocity. A lower number is a shorter distance per clock cycle. So the scanners move slower.
Also, you can increase the dwell in corners. Dwell is a function of the acuteness of the angle so the maximum dwell in points is for a full 180 turn (a line folding back on itself).
Lowering the max vector distance and adding dwell will increase the number of points in a frame. So your DAC will take that much longer to get through all of the points.
The longer it takes to scan an entire frame of points, the more it will flicker.
If you hit the [Enter] key, the menus will disappear and reappear.
Also, look in menu x and turn on remove redundant vectors. Sometimes dxf drawings have multiple lines where there should only be one. With this checked, the minimization step will find them and remove them.