Today is the day I need to submit my work to the show. Then, when I get home I am going to work on LaserBoy code.
I have spent quite a bit of time with the code lately. I keep saying it will be ready to release soon and then I find WAY more stuff that needs to be fixed. Oh well.
Steve came over the other night. He wanted a quick run through of the features that read unformatted wave and convert it into color vector. That was kind-of neat. I think he was impressed. It was fun to look at some art in LaserBoy that I haven't already seen a million times.
Since SELEM is coming in mid August, we should figure out who is going and see about getting together some kind of collaborative project. Or at least some of us should come up with some sort of demo. I think if we put our heads together we could show everyone else how to get some use out of a sound card DAC and the various pieces of software that are available from members of this forum.
Any ideas?
LaserBoy and the LaserBoy DAC...... tastes just like chicken!