With a little bit of work, I was able to install LaserBoy on my Mac running 10.8.2. I told James that I would post my step by step process here in case anyone else may find it helpful.
1. Installl XCode:
https://developer.apple.com/xcode/2. Once XCode is installed, open XCode, go to Preferences, go to the Downloads tab, then install Command Line Tools.
3. Download and install the MacPorts package installer for Mountain Lion:
http://www.macports.org/install.php4. Open up a Terminal window and install SDL with this command:
sudo port install libsdl
5. Install boost:
sudo port install boost
6. Not sure if this is necessary, but while installing boost, it may ask you to run this command:
sudo port select --set python python27
7. I had to modify the Makefile.osx to compile correctly. Make sure line 8 looks like this:
LIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lSDL -lSDLMain -lboost_system-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -pg -g3 -framework Cocoa
8. Go to the LaserBoy src directory and issue this command:
make -f Makefile.osx
9. After compiling, go to the LaserBoy directory, and run the app from the command line with:
./LaserBoy 1024 768
(the numbers represent the window size that you want LB to open into)