This version of LaserBoy introduces something completely new. ASCII math forms!
[single frames]
math rhodonea
math epicycloid
math epitrochoid
math hypocycloid
math hypotrochoid
math lissajou
math pendulum
math pendulum_sum
math pendulum_xy
math pendulum_xyz
math harmonograph
math harmonograph_3D
math amplitude_mod
math amplitude_mod_xy
math amplitude_mod_xyz
math frequency_mod
math frequency_mod_xy
math frequency_mod_xyz
[animated frame sets]
math rhodoneas
math epicycloids
math epitrochoids
math hypocycloids
math hypotrochoids
math lissajous
math pendulums
math pendulums_sum
math pendulums_xy
math pendulums_xyz
math harmonographs
math harmonographs_3D
math amplitude_mods
math amplitude_mods_xy
math amplitude_mods_xyz
math frequency_mods
math frequency_mods_xy
math frequency_mods_xyz
Each of these take parameters in a specific order from text and render into LaserBoy frames.
All of the math is done with double float and scaled to 100% of signed short int space.
Animations are written as two sets of identical single forms.
LaserBoy does linear interpolation between them to create all the frames in between.
To open this file
i to import
4 for txt
1 to replace frame set
Each form is a solid color.
For better effect,
g frame to palette trans
up arrow 5 taps to the palette of pure hues.
C (capital) to set all frames to use this palette
^ (shift 6) to span the palette through the vertices of all frames
[Esc] back to main and hit
` ( or ~) to play the frame set