The first thing you want to do is import the settings file
i to imput
7 for wtf [enter]
Now all of the settings in LaserBoy should be good for CTN files. There is a new setting on the x menu, option d that tells LB to automatically apply optimizations to the output of ctn files. It should be set on.
All you have to do is save individual frames, selected frames or the whole frame set as a CTN file by hitting
o to output
5 for ctn
1, 2 or 3 for what you want to save
file_name [enter]
Then look for the ctn file in the ctn folder inside of the LaserBoy folder.
Upon further investigation it seems like the minimize function is eating all of the points (but only in Windows).
QUICK FIX work around:
In menu x set option b to allow lit black (on).
Escape out of menu x.
Hit o to output.
7 for wtf
ctn [enter]
to save the settings.
This works!
Now I have to figure out why there is a difference between Linux and Windows.