I think of "us" vs. "them" as "We, the sound card users" vs. "Those who use them-whacky-dackies".
There are two distinctly different ways to do this stuff!
I got my introduction to lasers in late 2003. I was asked to make a show, because I was known to be an artist and a programmer. Some hardware and software was lent to me for the task. I happened to already have a couple of ADAT Blackface machines. I was given the instructions for modifying my ADAT to record and playback the show signals that would come from the hardware and software that was lent to me. As soon as I understood the process, I realized I didn't need ANY of this expensive, proprietary hardware for this task.
LaserBoy was designed from the beginning to be a complete replacement for a proprietary hardware signal generating, recording and playback system. It was also designed to use nothing but already-existing, open, industry standards.
Trust me. After this SELEM, a lot more people will "see the light!"