Hey flecom, about modifying your current correction amp board...
You should probably swap out the 20K fixed resistors with 15K 1%.
If you use a 500 ohm trimmer, you'll have from aproximately 15 to 15.5K to adjust the offsets. With 20K resisters, your 500 ohms is less of a percentage of the whole. You might not have enough adjustment room for nulling all the offsets with only one negative voltage reference.
The reason I went with 15K is because you have to offset a voltage that might be as low as +1.2V. The negative voltage regulator won't adjust much lower than -1.25VDC. The ratio between the negative reference and the positive offset is 15K/10K, so that means you set the negative voltage at about -1.5 times the DC offset at about -1.8VDC.
I even went so far as to measure all the fixed resisters to find groups of 6 that were as close as possible.